The Heart of Me ~ El Corazon de Mi

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Waialua, Hawaii
Shamanic Dream Weaver ~ Magical Mermaid Poetess ❤ Tejedora de Sueños Chamánicos ~ Sirena Poetisa Mágica

Remembering Our Essence

= Us/Our Composite Energies RED PLANETARY SKYWALKER 13.10
Postulate 13.10 “Nature of inter-planetary exploration is dependent on realization of higher level rearrangement of synchronic order necessitated by variability of stellar harmonic patterns reflected in orbital frequencies of the planets to each other.”



“I perfect in order to explore
Producing wakefulness
I seal the output of space
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of birth
I am a galactic activation portal. Enter me.”

Time/space traveler, angelic messenger, courage, new directions, mysterious journey, explorer, fluid reference points, skywalker, pillars of heaven, compassion.

Tone 10: Planetary - Manifestation
Red Skywalker is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming.

Red Skywalker is the skywalker, the time/space traveler who can jump dimensions to assist you in realizing heaven on Earth. Red Skywalker is unlimited in form but often chooses the form of the angelic messenger.

A person who embodies cosmic wisdom may be known as a sky-walker, sage or bodhisattva. When others see such light in human form, they feel the vibration of heaven. This vibration may be embodied by you or experienced with a guru, master, an energy such as Red Skywalker, or in a 'chance' encounter with an extraordinary person.

An encounter with the energy of Red Skywalker can spark a deep yearning within you for reunion with the Source. Yet from this place of love and compassion, you also have a desire (embodied in physical form) to serve the light. This is the place in you that has the courage to fully express unconditional love, the depths of your being. Red Skywalker asks you to live the new myth by bringing this Heaven to Earth in your daily life. As this reality is lived, it touches and awakens the same truth in others: "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

Red Skywalker represents balance in your life - not static balance, but a dynamic equilibrium that includes both your present expression and your starseeded self. In Red Skywalker's star-glyph you see that the pillars of Heaven don't appear to touch the Earth. You are the element that appears to be missing in the star-glyph. You are the one whose expression of the light assists in drawing the pillars of Heaven to Earth.

Joining these pillars in yourself can be viewed as reuniting your male and female aspects. Together, in balance, we create the pillars of the etheric temples of Heaven on Earth.

The natural state of every system moves toward balance that is fluid and free, as in dance. That balance is experienced differently by each person, but it often brings a sense of steadiness or centeredness even in the midst of movement and change. When you are dancing, you can use your very state of imbalance to create the fluidity of the dance.

Red Dragon is your Higher Self & Guide.

Red Dragon represents the root source of life, the nurturance and support of primary being, and within it are found the primal waters of unity. This is where your deepest roots receive true nourishment. Red Dragon is the energy of form contained within the formlessness of the primordial sea.

Primal trust means making choices with no guarantees, knowing that divine nurturance will provide what is needed for your journey. It means making choices moment by moment, implicitly trusting your innate steering mechanism of heart-knowing. Primal trust implies surrendering to the will of the divine self, letting go of what your ego deems to be control of the outcomes in your life. It means deeply trusting the processes that are at work within your present spiral of evolution.

The energy of Red Dragon asks you to embrace the depth of your receptivity. Perhaps you have been taught that it is better to give than to receive. Giving is a powerful way to learn how to receive, but it is not the whole picture. There is a circuit of completion in giving and receiving that happens within you and in your external world at the same time.            

If you trust unconditionally in the giving, you are not attached to how the gift is received. When you freely give, you fill your cup with sweet waters, which you can then offer innocently and purely to another. Know, on one level, that your gift is poured out universally regardless of how it appears to be received. However, when the gift comes from the ego, it is limited by expectations and conditions. Love just is. It is neither given nor taken; rather it is simply discovered and allowed.

The universe is an inseparable whole. Red Dragon represents the energy matrix lines that look like a web in the universe, through which all points are connected in time and space. This energetic web of communication is known as the 'crystal grid network.' It is a cauldron of creation, a potent field in which all things are not only possible but constantly being created. Within this grid, the linear causality of time and space has been freed into an open system in which all time and all space exist and interact simultaneously. This grid connects the larger holograms of reality with our own. Its energy lines connect all places, times and events - even those that are seemingly unrelated. All phenomena and all actions are part of this larger whole; it is the very foundation for telepathy and synchronicity. Red Dragon embodies unity, in which all things are one with the Source.

Yellow Star is your Subconscious Self and Hidden Helper.

You are a starseed! You contain a holographic 'seed packet' of your evolution into the Mind of Light and the energy that directs you toward wholeness. This resonance offers an expanded view of the larger self and new ways of perceiving reality. Through self-acceptance, you are gifted with this journey. Yellow Star is ignition, like a cosmic milkweed explosion of resonant sparks. It is the launching pad from which you can hear the rumble of the rocket of your accelerated evolution.

The energy of Yellow Star may be experienced as a gentle rocking that becomes a floating and spiraling sensation, ending in a rush of feeling as you move into expanded reality. This sensation has been described as gently cascading fireworks, shimmering burst on the tapestry of Creation. Cascade into this uncharted perspective. Flow on the cosmic winds wherever Divinity directs, arching back to this reality with a new experience of self.

Yellow Star's starseeded gift is the revelation of the harmony that unites all things. Instead of just aspiring to be harmonious, become harmony. Practice harmony not just as an abstraction, but as a living reality. This practice blends different energies, thoughts, people, and processes. Act on intuitive guidance as to what to combine and when. As you begin to follow your heart, you will know the feeling of being on the return path to the stars.

Yellow Star offers you the ability to hold a greatly expanded focus, a unity of awareness that encompasses aspects of the larger constellation of self. An example of this would be a simultaneous awareness of the desires of the existential self and the truth of the Essence Self. This star harmony encompasses the greatly enlarged perspective of your starseeded self, the part within you that holds the potential of your greatest destiny.

Unlike the preceding 7 tones, which were separate and distinct, Yellow Star begins a more complex harmonic series as it completes the preceding octave. On a spiritual level, Yellow Star begins the development of higher being. The fundamental tones that occur in this series are of a more expanded frequency than those of the preceding seven tones. In this new octave, there is alignment in the harmonies of Earth and the harmonies of the stars that are now being sounded on Earth. Yellow Star is the first in a series of star harmonies that evoke accelerated growth of the starseed potential within you.

Blue Night represents your Challenge and Gift. With maturity and awareness this challenge will turn into a Focus. This is what you desire to learn in this lifetime.

One indication of the shadow of Blue Night is being lost in self, being too inward and subjective. Some experience this subjectivity as depression. Yet from this place you can learn to face and free your deepest fears. Instead of resisting this process, embrace it, garnering its wisdom. Go deep inside and discover the positive intent that is held in your experience. What is it trying to show you that you have not been willing to look at? If you can go through your 'stuckness', you can find unexpected insights and gifts in the apparent darkness.

A great opportunity for looking within can also be found in recognizing how you judge and evaluate yourself. Self-judgement impairs access to your own intrinsic wisdom. Judgement of how you 'should' be affects your process. Perhaps your conditioned beliefs have become harsh tools of comparison and classification. To "be" is not a specific goal; being is simply the innocence that is regained through acceptance of self.

Freed from judgement and labels, your journey naturally opens to growth. It is OK to make "mistakes" along your way. From life, you have created the "house" you live in and from which you see the world. Now is the time to go within and reveal your essence, to break the bonds of the old structures. In this process, it is only natural to feel vulnerable. You are breaking up the blockages and barriers around the heart of self. You are creating a new "home" in Essence Self, a sanctuary within the serenity of innocence.

Self-judgment also intensifies issues of self-worth and feelings of separation. You are intrinsically worthy. Become aware of anything that suggests you are not worthy to receive all that you desire. Self-judgment can seriously hamper your evolution. Love yourself. Remember: beliefs that are ready to be transformed show you the way through their shadows. Be willing to follow your process into seeming darkness and discomfort, to find the gifts being offered there. Blue Night can help to show you that apparent enclosures and limitations are only opportunities to learn.

Blue Night may also signal an unconscious fear of change, from deep core issues to the fear of life's lessons. A unique opportunity beckons and transformation awaits; where the illusions of fear have been separated from consciousness, the gifts of integration and wholeness are found. What appears to be contraction into self will eventually bring you full circle, like the yin-yang symbol, into a more fluid and expanded state. Going deep within, Blue Night teaches you its greatest truth: what is contained in darkness holds the greatest potential for light.

White World-Bridger is your Compliment - something that comes naturally to you.

In this life-time you are being asked to release and surrender. Surrender is the opposite of giving up. It is freeing yourself from the desire to be in control, letting go of how you think things should be. Surrender is freedom. You are being invited to release yourself from the bondage of preconceived action, to let everything be all right as it is, so that you can live a more inspired life in the moment!

You are being asked to take action in the process of surrender and release. You are requested to die a symbolic death, to surrender your limiting beliefs. Symbolic death unveils the self by cutting away the outgrown parts of yourself that no longer serve you. In such death, ego structures fall away to reveal the garden of the true self. Look for new ways of being, new people, new ideas, and new directions that will move into the vacuum created through surrender and release. Like yeast, surrender enlivens and empowers you to experience more of life's fullness.

Holding on to past patterns and grievances only limits the possibilities. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Let go. Surrender whatever limits you. Face whatever you are resisting. In the experience of any loss, it is never too late to complete. Through your willingness to walk in the dark forest, insights and revelations will naturally emerge.

Accept the truth of your present situation. Through accepting what is, you are free to go forward. Change and growth become easier and more natural. Each experience in this enlivened state of surrender allows for more joy.

Your Tone is Tone 10 - Planetary

Intention, true identity, foundation of Essence Self, aligned manifestation.

Ten is the ray of manifestation, the foundation of individual self manifesting its true identity, the foundation of Essence Self. A potent manifestation awaits you. Two worlds combine. The key to manifestation in all realms is through clear intention and the embodiment of your divine essence. What does your heart desire to manifest? Begin by aligning with your essence. Essence aligned with intention creates an etheric thoughtform, an "energy matrix image." As long as it is unrestricted by limiting beliefs, the energy pattern emerges and evolves. As it evolves, it aligns with the larger pattern until finally it is released into manifestation.

The Planetary Tone of ten is asking you to look carefully at your own foundations. What structures and belief systems is your reality built on? What foundations motivate your choices? You are now creating a new foundation, walking into all that you are - your Essence Self. As the foundation of your Essence Self emerges, others will recognize your true identity. When you are in resonance with the universe, manifestation is a natural by-product.


Red Skywalker Tribe

In Mayan: Ben
Left ring finger
Action: to Explore Power: Space Essence: Wakefulness
Antipode (opposite and balancing energy) to Blue Night
Analog (support and similar energy) to White Worldbridger
Occult Power (mystical, magical energy) to Yellow Star
Guide to some in the Red Dragon, Red Serpent, Red Moon and Red Earth tribes

Red Skywalker is one of the 20 archetypes to be celebrated by the Maya in their Tzolkin sacred count. The 20 day signs are represented on our fingers and toes, and the journey through their images tells a creation mythology. Each of us is born on a day of the Tzolkin, and belong accordingly to one of the 20 ‘tribes’ and its teachings. We may embody the ancient icon described in the Mayan stellae – the stone carvings of their temples – or relate to the modernized language of the Tzolkin as channeled by Dr. Jose Arguelles. Through emersion in the calendar count, we can find our own correlations between self and the core images of the day signs.  By meditating on the words, images, and our own perceptions of Tzolkin birth energy, we can find another awakening to ourselves and how we relate to the world.

Red Skywalker is shown in the Mayan glyph as a pair of pillars that surge skyward. Behind them, in the ground, is each of their root systems. The space between is like the air we gain in jumping out of our own shadows, leaving our footprint to momentarily launch ourselves into space. We are quick to gravitate back to earth, but for an instant we are aloft, in flight. Red Skywalker is the exploration of this jaunt skyward – including the height we gain towards the heavens, the roots we return to, and the clear space we create between, liberated to float untethered for a while. There are two columns to encourage this type of journeying in tandem with another. To get high in spirit or hallucinogenic in body we need a fellow traveler or shamanic guide. If we launch alone, we are isolationist, but if we move outwards into open space with another, we are partners in exploring the outer limits and new frontiers of awakening.

This relates sweetly to Red Skywalker being represented by the ring finger of our left hand, traditionally in Western Civilization the place where we wear a wedding band. To honor the Mayan historical resonance of this finger is to place the commitment of marriage in Red Skywalker’s domain and teaching. So the twin pillars of the glyph can represent two people choosing marriage as a way to recognize earth-rooting but simultaneously aim for astral consciousness and a vertical connection between stars and soil. Likewise, marriage is spacious, a dreamy disconnect from an absolutely earthen life, and a leap of faith into the unknown. We are separate, in union, but aiming in partnership for an upright and outward exploration of heavenly realms. We are individual, but increasingly identical, lifting and landing in shared exaltation.
Red Skywalker was traditionally a day-reverence of corn. Corn was the main Mesoamerican food staple, harvested by the men and mashed into maiz or meal by the women. The marital relationship was most centrally around creating family and feeding it. The plant cycle for corn in the Mayan territory is 260 days from seed kernel to a tall stalk of edible ears. This describes, as well, the length of gestation in the womb, from conception to birth. The Tzolkin calendar, 260 days in length, honors each of these primal cycles, one that occupies the women’s work, and the other the men’s. There is such beautiful symmetry, then, between corn and true creation, and that a new life nourished within a womb for 260 days is growing alongside the plant that will in fruition sustain it after birth into independence from its mother. This interplay between male and female nurturing, and the connection between a human’s emergence and the organic arising of a corn stalk, reiterate the most natural state of bonding between the genders. We co-create life – one within the womb, one without in the fields. One invents a child from interior darkness, and the other metamorphoses bright sunlight into good food. Were the role-playing of the sexes so simple in modern life.

Corn is also different these days. It comes in cans, is a scratchy snack at the movies, and only occasionally in midsummer are we exposed to its freshness from the farm. In taking a day to honor its vitality and godliness, we have to hearken back to the nature of ancient horticulture, its purity and personal touch. Corn was grown by every man for his family’s survival. He dedicated himself to its care and vibrant growth. There were prayers, invocations, fertilizing elixirs, examination of every stage of each stalk’s ascension toward the sun. The solar rays feeding the plants were likewise honored, and the rain or river gods. The corn plant was loved, protected, held in reverence just like the child in utero. And so it birthed, too, as potent and lush and magical.

Corn was a food staple, but for the hands-on care it received through its harvest, it was also alive in plant spirit medicine. When we come to Red Skywalker in the Tzolkin count, we are steeped in ancient tradition of working with the essence of nature’s elements, of hearing within leaf and stem the running river and the pulse of the sun and the soil regenerated from composted decay. We can know this history through the corn’s listening ears. It’s mystical, and more like the hallucinogens that also come from plant form: ayahuasca, mescaline, peyote, marijuana, mushrooms. When we enter the Red Skywalker time, calling on corn spirit as a guide, we are lifted off the earth with its upward focus. We are made high like these other more obvious mind and mood alterants. Corn’s delicate rooting and gigantic upsurge towards the heavens becomes a metaphor for a transcendent state that plant ingestion can inspire.

So Red Skywalker, finally, is an invitation and opening to lifting sky-high and listening to the spirit voices that live there. We are prophets, leaving physical trappings in meditation and astral-traveling in essence to another realm. Our body seems to sleep or still as we vacate it – space out, get high, day-tripping through our psyche. We return to earth with the information we have gleaned from our stellar journey, our awakened consciousness, and offer it as prophecy to others who remained solidly landed. This is the crux of Red Skywalker people: the ones who seems spaced out, ungrounded daydreamers, but are in truth vitally connected here and able to trust their footprint so deeply they can detach from it for a while. They know how earth is like sky – minerals, micro-particles – and are comfortable in each spaciousness. They revere the sun, know it as a god-center and rise to it, so in life they are enlightened, loose and immaterial.

Red Skywalker people are the prophets of our times, able to rise high enough to glimpse the big picture of our earth landscape, but more interested actually in gazing still more skyward. They want to find truth within the darkness of the cosmos and are naturally adept at reading the twinkling messages of star clans and the other ancient emanations of our universe. They don’t drop down into our modern asphalt grid with ease, are actually ducking the surface layer of human tension on earth when the glyph shows the gap in their vertical column. Skipping people, places, things, they like essence and energy, airwaves and unreality. They like the dark soil of buried ancestors, earth’s regenerative messages, and they like the open cosmic field. If a Red Skywalker is alternately a stoner or high – metaphors for their comfort zones – it’s redundant. They exist naturally in the state others can attain only through hallucinogens.

Red Skywalker’s action – its direction in life – is to explore, meaning in word origin to ‘cry out’ – while to implore is the cry or weeping inward. Red Skywalker is an extroverted, non-emotional state, taking any discomfort and moving it into an open space in the cosmos where answers can come; remember the many ears of a full stalk of corn. There is very little compost decay in a corn plant – the dry husks make dolls and the cobs can feed livestock or burn. So within a Red Skywalker person the melancholy of dark moods, downward spirals, don’t exist. All moves upward or otherwise evaporates. The cry, though, is loud, intentional, a prophet’s call for heavenly action and information. Red Skywalker certainly explores space in dreamtime journeying and daytime reverie, but the intention is not to conquer or bring back material souvenirs; their only design is an altered consciousness that can be imparted to the earth inhabitants below.
Red Skywalker’s power – its offering to strengthen us in turn – is space. Again, how resilient Red Skywalker is to be a vertical column of transmitted prophecy with a cut out gap between earth and sky. That dodging of superficial life – the bustle of human activity on the earth’s crust – is their autonomy. Never really engaged with the goings on laterally – neighbors, family of origin, school teachers and classmates – they look to the sky and see its open emptiness, its space. This returns us to the partnership, though, wed into the glyph picture of a pair of prophets, channels. A Red Skywalker doesn’t explore space alone, doesn’t allow space that denies intimacy. They work in conjunction with other seekers, other spacemen and women. Like corn never grows as a single stalk.

Red Skywalker has the essence of wakefulness. Corn itself is called a ‘long-night’ plant, meaning it grows best when germinated while days are still short, nights long. The 260-day harvest cycle is like nine months, beginning in the days coming out of darker winter solstice. When we enter Red Skywalker  time or incarnate as Red Skywalker beings, we know darkness without fear: it’s the delightful entrance to the dreamtime and liberation from realism. As the days get longer, we refuse to reenter linear rationality, so that we daydream, remain mystical even when awake. And in the high productivity of growing towards the sky, relentlessly and fearlessly upward, we don’t fit into the torpor of being unconscious, deadened, dull. We are bright like the sun itself, and seeking, listening, wakeful.
Red Skywalker is antipodal, opposite, to Blue Night. Red Skywalker is the daydream, Blue Night the one while we sleep. In Blue Night, we safe-house our body in a shelter and let the soul enter the sky; in Red Skywalker, we are more fearless and leave our body vertical and awake while we drift off into more spacey realms. This is simply because there are fewer predators in the day; in the nocturnal dark we are vulnerable to their night vision. So we can be in the dreamtime, in daytime, without fear. More than many antipodal pairings, Red Skywalker and Blue Night have perfect symmetry. Together they form an incessant dream, a constant alignment with infinite consciousness.

Red Skywalker is analogous, supported by White Worldbridger. White Worldbridger is the moment of death, crossing over, and an emblem of the finality of the corporal life as well as the eternity of soul existence. A Red Skywalker crosses this portal in a day’s journey, home again in time for dinner. The knowledge that another world exists besides this oxygenated one is integral to Red Skywalker’s daring. Their willingness to experiment in other consciousness is based on watching the rites of death, and trying, actually, to access the afterlife while still embodied here. A shamanic death, where an initiate is pushed into their fear thresholds, or transcended in an altered state that reveals heavenly bodies, is part of Red Skywalker ritual. Red Skywalker in turn makes death less terrifying, is an exploration of the cosmic peace of an outer world, a preview of our aftermath that shows nothing to resist or fear.
Red Skywalker has a mystical, occult relationship to Yellow Star. Of course Red Skywalker is called skyward by points of light, rather than their inky black surroundings. The attraction is to the light source, the scattered designs a spider’s web of divine creation. Red Skywalker people are looking to the cosmos for a spectral beauty they can’t find in our surface world, and so the stars make more sense than many people or patterns of the civilization around them. Yellow Star is in turn enlivened by Red Skywalker – a visitor from afar who dares to rise against gravity’s bounds. It’s like being a deity who receives a disciple: touching, pleasing, with tales to tell from their travels. A star is sedentary, a cornstalk ever-reaching. For Yellow Star, Red Skywalker time and people bring fresh insight from the open ascent; in turn, Yellow Star delivers the prophecy of its sky tribe.

If you are guided Red Skywalker, you are called to space, to the combination of speckled light and vast black, and the day sky we experience here on earth as varied blue. You like clouds and chem trails and gazing through the canopy of trees at birds in flight. You go there, out of body and into the air. You know your footprint and choose healthy soil dark with recent mulch – you understand through guidance that death exists to fortify exploration of the afterlife. But you’re not called to physical mortality as much as letting each day live in the earth plane as well as with a sky clan of spiritual informants and aids who help you see eternity.

The Code Spell for  Kin 153:  Red Planetary Skywalker is:  “I Perfect in order to Explore.  Producing Wakefulness, I seal the output of Space with the Planetary tone of Manifestation.  I am guided by the power of Birth.  I am a Galactic Activation Portal.  Enter me.

The Postulate for 13.10 states: “Nature of interplanetary exploration is dependent upon realization of higher level rearrangements of Synchronic Order necessitated by variability of stellar harmonic patterns reflected in orbital frequencies of the Planets to each other.” This postulate describes part of the reason for the daily telepathic practice, and the importance of utilizing the true power of our minds working together.

A  Mayan crop circle of  Quetzalcoatl (Skywalker)  was placed on our Planet. This crop circle is our ‘Masterpiece’ for Red Planetary Skywalker (13.10).  Note the 10 angular spirals at the bottom, to go with the ‘13′  of the Feathered Serpent’s Seal.
Seal 13, Skywalker, also known as the Prophet, and also known to represent Quetzalcoatl, is a member of the Signal Family, the Third Force Sentinels of the Day-out-of-Time. Signal Family guards the Southern Regions of the Earth, and the Solar Plexus Chakra. Skywalker corresponds to Mars, who shares Circuit Four with Saturn.

Rhythmic  GAMMA 10 appears during the Week of White Rhythmic Wind Moon.  This White Plasma concentrates in our Third Eye Chakra, and it performs the action of Purify “My Lineage is the Union of intrinsic Awareness and the Ultimate Sphere.  I Attain the Power of Peace.”
The Top of the Radion Cube.  Pacal Votan, is the Patron for Gamma.   7:7:7:7 day 10.
Telektonon Day 10 is when we telepathically connect with Baktun 10: A.D.  435;  Maya.  By the end of this Great Era of Maya Time science on Earth,  1,440,000 days will have passed since the Baktun 1 began in 3113 B.C. During Baktun 10, Muhammad receives the Quran, and Pacal Votan incarnates at Palenque, leaving the Telektonon prophecy for us.  Padmasambhava, the Patron for Limi, incarnates in Tibet during Baktun 10.

Cube Four:  Flowering. “May the enlightening Solar power of Maya flower as the Fulfillment of Prophecy for all!”  This affirmation is particularly synchronistic and powerful, when Seal 13, the Prophet, falls on a Galactic Activation Portal on Gamma which has the greatest Mayan of all as its Patron.



This is our Love story.
This is who we are together.
Let's now remember our True Essence.
We, the Passionate Skywalkers of the Planet,
Harbingers of Heaven on Earth,
exquisite Dreamers of The Cosmic Dream.
Magic surrounds Us,
Manifesting the two of The One into Being, 
and so it is--
and WE ARE Here Now.

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